WELCOME TO THE GREAT BROTHERHOOD. Do you want to be a member of Illuminati as a brotherhood that will make you rich and famous in the world and have power to control people in the high place in the worldwide .Are you a business man or woman,artist, political, musician, student, do you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life, join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get instant rich sum of. 2 million dollars in a week, and a free home.any where you choose to live in this world BENEFITS GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS of ILLUMINATI. 1. A Cash Reward of USD $500,000 USD 2. A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $300,000 USD 3.A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice 4. One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. 5.One year Golf Membership package 6.A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World 7.A total Lifestyle change 8.Access to Bohemian Grove account every month as a member 9.One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World. If you are interested of joining us in the great brotherhood of illuminati CONTACT MR ROLAND or WhatsApp him +2348142587627 or email:illuminatipower666brotherhood@gmail.com
Sai che in questa foto assomiglia tantissimo al papà?!
RispondiEliminaper me è il ritratto di nonno putativo!!
Questa mattina ho pensato anche io che ci fosse molto anche di nonno putativo !!!
RispondiEliminaPosso dire che lo invidio?
RispondiEliminaLO INVIDIO.
p.s. complimenti a mammà ( e pure babbo, vah)
sono guance affascinanti!
RispondiEliminache polpettone!!
RispondiEliminaQuesto commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
Do you want to be a member of Illuminati as a brotherhood
that will make you rich and famous in the world and have
power to control people in the high place in the worldwide
.Are you a business man or woman,artist, political,
musician, student, do you want to be rich, famous, powerful
in life, join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get
instant rich sum of. 2 million dollars in a week, and a free
home.any where you choose to live in this world
1. A Cash Reward of USD $500,000 USD
2. A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $300,000 USD
3.A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice
4. One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist
5.One year Golf Membership package
6.A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World 7.A total
Lifestyle change 8.Access to Bohemian Grove
account every month as a member
9.One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world
Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World.
If you are interested of joining us in the great brotherhood of illuminati CONTACT MR ROLAND or WhatsApp him +2348142587627
or email:illuminatipower666brotherhood@gmail.com